Event catalogues
Change history |
29 January 2014
Creation of the change history page.
Addition of NRH image files.
New electron Green's functions.
Update of the forward modelling plots.
Update of the inversion software page.
History >>>
Context help |
On this page, the event catalogue can be consulted.
The event information is presented by means of pop-up windows which can
be opened by clicking on the various column items for each event.
Information on the column contents is made visible when hovering the
mouse pointer over the column headers in the last row of the table
header (e.g. 'Date'). Clicking on the
icons will open a pop-up window
with more detailed information.
Some entries provide a double or triple action: Click ,
Ctrl+Click and/or
Shift+Click , which will present different information.
Contact and feedback |
If you have questions, comments or other feedback, please
send a message to